Yes, indeed a little confidence in regard of hubby's illness! The doc we met at Cancer Center in Hamburg was really cool and he said that there is always hope, even in such an advanced stage. It is still hard for me to understand that such a sturdy, healthy looking and living man has such a zombie inside eating him up.... the doc made his case as exigence, so all was very easy and I am very thankful for the prompt meeting that took place. Tomorrow hubby will get a stent and Tuesday a port and Thursday another meeting and hopefully beginning of therapy........here is an oilpainting hubby made some time ago and which I really adore. He is an artist! And I hope he can be creative again soonest possible!
5 Kommentare:
Hallo Bea,
ist ER das??????
Ich fand es schön, daß Du hier warst...freue mich auf unser nächstes Treffen!
GLG, Imke
Lach...doch Bea sie werden weiß! auf jeden Fall der Tisch und Regal!
I hope your hubby returns to his former health. He seems like a very talented artist. Prayers!
Ich wünsche Deinem Mann alles nur erdenklich Gute und das er wieder gesund wird! Ich denke an Euch.
LG von Jule
Hallo Bea,
auch von mir alles erdenklich Gute für deinen Mann.
LG Karin
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