Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace
Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2010
3 Holy Kings and Bullfinches!
Today is the Day of the Three Holy Kings, the Glorifiers or whatever you might call them. Supposed to be the real Christmas Day in some cultures it is here definitely the last day of Christmas decos and songs. The few festive items I decorated my home with will be removed today and life will finally come back to normal routine! Here is some more new wool, I love the pine green one! And because I have about 3 or even 4 couples bullfinches at the feeder on my roofgarden I dedicate this rosered wool to them. The males breasts are just alike...what a pretty little bird!
I looked at my house this morning and said, ohoh, today is the Epithany and I really want these these decorations down! I did most of the inside, but not the outside yet! Have a great day! Nice post!
Please don't steel my pix; you can copy, but please ask before you do so! The links I have listed here are just of interest to me, maybe to you, too. I am not responsible in any way about the content and whatever can be result out of it.
2 Kommentare:
guten morgen, liebe bea. ich habe dich unter meinen 'verfolgern' entdeckt und so auch deinen schönen blog gefunden.
ich wünsche dir ein frohes neues jahr.
alles liebe,
I looked at my house this morning and said, ohoh, today is the Epithany and I really want these these decorations down! I did most of the inside, but not the outside yet!
Have a great day! Nice post!
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