Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009

ღ Woolmania and Depression ღ

Thanx to all who provided me with this Award - I treasure it and I am very thankful and glad that my blog gives inspiration to some outthere in Bloglandia. I also received the same one due my Norwegian Blog and I already passed it on; There are so many others who should get it, too, and I will not name them all here again. You all are perfect handcrafters and nice pals outthere and you help me a lot to get thru hard times; you definitely ALL need an Award and I herewith dedicate it to you....
Indeed times have been extremely difficulty for me recently and I still don't want to bother anyone with my problems, so I don't have many contacts out of the house right now. Sure I have to walk the dog and do shopping etc., but it is only a minimum from what I did before. It will come back some day soon, but right now I feel just as gray as this pic, although it is a nice sight! Still it is quite melancholic - and it resembles me somehow...

Still some colour needs to be added today!!! When I was out with the dog today it was all rainy, dark and gray, but as soon as we got back home weather turned out to be extraordinary; the announced storm has arrived....last week I was once in the wool factory outlet. I bought some yarn that will go out for sale again. I know that someone will just LOVE this colour!!!! :))) Fine quality indeed, so many things can be done even with shrill colours!
Following are some pix from the factory; it's just as in old days. See the kart full with undyed fresh spun yarn!

View of the yarn spinning factory, it is still in process, even though much reduced from former days....enjoy!

3 Kommentare:

Made By Dorthe hat gesagt…

Åh Bea, her kommer altså lige et KÆMPE KRAM + et ekstra :-)
Jeg kender kun din situation alt for godt, så jeg føler virkelig med dig.
Men husk uanset hvor gråt/sort det ser ud, ja så vil det på et tidspunkt begynde at gå den anden vej og lyset og glæden vil komme tilbage i dit liv.
Jeg synes at det er utrolig flot af dig, at du stadig har overskud og mod til at blogge, og være så åben omkring din situation - RESPEKT!!!
Pas rigtig godt på dig selv og und dig selvforkælelse i hverdagen, alt det praktiske som rod og nullermænd er der også i morgen ;-)

Living next to me hat gesagt…

Så trist du sliter men vit du ikke er alene om å slite i blogglandia , jeg håper du hentet din larkollen award , og at du vet en ser lysere på ting igjen , Tro meg ,jeg er mer nede i bølgedaler enn oppe , men nyter desto mer å være oppe . Håper se deg og dine vakre arbeider snart igjen, . sorte dager blir blå og så lysere , og som Dorthe klokt sier , rot og annet , ja de klarer seg , mine hyblekaniner ja de får enten formere seg eller noen andre ta ,
kjempeklem fra ferie paradiset, som er fullt av snø og kaldt.

SH -ic hat gesagt…

congrats bea ..well done
its interesting about wool