Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace
Dienstag, 27. Januar 2009
~ NORO Hat ~
Ah ja, my old NORO first one! This yarn is so perfect! Have made many more items of it in the meantime and last night I found these photos; will not miss to show them to you! The hat got an embroidery of small glittering green beads on the edge, can you see it!?!! I was so silly to sell this hat, regret it....have a nice day all of you outhere in Bloglandia!Y
Hold da op hvor er den sød. Jeg er vild med den pilleæskefacon- ikke den klæder mig for jeg har ikke hattehoved, men den er utrolig klædelig til de fleste
Please don't steel my pix; you can copy, but please ask before you do so! The links I have listed here are just of interest to me, maybe to you, too. I am not responsible in any way about the content and whatever can be result out of it.
1 Kommentar:
Hold da op hvor er den sød. Jeg er vild med den pilleæskefacon- ikke den klæder mig for jeg har ikke hattehoved, men den er utrolig klædelig til de fleste
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