Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Freitag, 8. April 2011

Himmelsk #30 and a Good Bye ♥

I am glad it is Friday!

This has been a strange week:

it started off with an accident

when a lady crashed her car backwards into mine on Monday.

Later I found some good items I can use for my production

and I was very happy about that.

Wednesday I got the sad news that cute Fred had to cross

the Rainbow Bridge

only about 5 years old!

He lived with a friend and was always vivid and tough.

A few days ago he developed serious lung problems;

of an infection or cancer or both - nobody knows...

this is quite unbelieveable!

After all this week wasn't too bad...

wishing you all a great weekend!

Det er Himmelsk #30

og jeg vil vise noen bilder som bli tatt i gar kveld!

Fint at det var bare en Aprilsnarr av Petunia....

God Helg!

5 Kommentare:

Inge hat gesagt…

Hård uge, godt du har weekend nu.. :-)

Maria G hat gesagt…

Tuff vecka måste jag säga, hoppas du får en lugn och skön helg nu :)
Superfina bilder!

SH -ic hat gesagt…

gute besserung .. zum glück ging alles gut ..schrott mach flott

Petunia hat gesagt…

Ja, det var godt det bare var en aprilspøk:) Håper din helg blir fin da etter denne tøffe uken.

Vestlandsjenta! hat gesagt…

Ja, er ikke alle ukene som er like gode.. Håper uken som begynner nå blir bedre!! Det er i motbakke det går oppover!! :)
Likte veldig godt det første bildet, vakkert!!