I just finished a new baby panty, made of lovely pink Bamboo yarn. It turned out fine; only the ribbon is too short and I have to buy more next week...if I only get my new car!!! Mine broke down last week...I feel helpless and torn without a car! The ribbon has crowns and the words PRINCESS on it; very cute.... •~♥~•
The old lovely bowl matches perfect to the nice old plate I recently bought on the fleamarket - like it!
2 Kommentare:
Adorable little pants! I used to love finding bargains at places back in the States, the bowl and plate do match perfectly! Sorry I haven't visited in awhile, i lost my blogroll, but its back now.
Hvor er de bukser kære. Det er nogle skønne fotos du har fra Farmermarket og af Gizmo- han ser ud til at være en rar og stolt hund
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