The past week just flew by and the only item I finished were these Hortense Mitts. I think they turned out fine!
Karli and I we still see us and as it was both our birthdays last week we had a party together with friends and relatives. We keep our relationship easy and we will see if we will finally find our way together again or not....you just can't wipe away almost one and a half decades of togetherness just so....I received this beautiful bouquet of Karli's sister and I think it is so special that I just have to show it!
The party was opend to our guests with a vernissage in the gallery; Karli showed off some new works. See also www.a-drawing-aday.blogspot.com and click further via his profile to the other blogs! Enjoy!!! Happy weekend!!
1 Kommentar:
A late happy birthday to you!
My birthday was in July too! :).
Be Happy! Is qhat you need! Have a great sunday! Nadia
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