Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Donnerstag, 29. März 2012

~.*.~ No matter what dustups.....

 This has been a hard week so far!
As you may remember, Gubben is hit by cancer
and this week so far gave him some hard times.
He developed a thrombosis and maybe
a light pulmonary embolism.
No matter what kind of dustups we had the passed years,
times changed.
We fight a fight of Life and Death right now!
Have been to doctors and hospital every day.
This brought me almost to my limits.
A strong vivid man is fading like a flower...
it is all too sad...
tomorrow will start with a visit to the doc again.  

 Soon it's Easter.
Wonder what will happen in the meantime?!
Cancer is cruel -
Life can be cruel!
Found these lovely eggs on Etsy.
Aren't they lovely?

Freitag, 23. März 2012

Himmelsk #77

 Finally all clouds are gone and the sun shines!
Wishing you all a very sunny Spring Weekend.
Don't forget:
The future depends on what we do in the present.
M. Ghandi
I am going to plant some pansies now....

Mittwoch, 21. März 2012

⊱✿. A new Try ⊱✿.

Soon it will be Easter!
As some family will be in Denmark
while the kids are off from school,
Gubben and I will make a new try to drive up
for an Easter visit, too. It is only a 2-3 hours drive.
Due to Gubben's sickness we had to resign our recent plans
to drive to Ry in Denmark for visiting
Fiber Fest.
We hope we can go. This time it will be to the
His last Chemo almost killed him!
He still feels frail sometimes
and all is topped with a cold right now.

Montag, 19. März 2012

~ Biller og Symaskin ~

 Todays issue of
is B...........!
som Biller (Bugs)
I still have some cuties....
 Further I was lucky:
I won an auction on Ebay:
a Brother Innovis 30
for a very reasonable price.
It does this stitches!
I want some more, but this is better
then nothing.

Sonntag, 18. März 2012

~ Pets and Borders ~

 Gizmo - Iraqui Kangal
Hexe - Norwegian Forest Cat
To rescue animals made me almost
lose my mind
but it made me find my soul! 
 This is a test piece of Harris Tweed.
I was offered this sewing machine!
Used, but still expensive.
Hope to get me one
tonite on Ebay.
Wish me luck!
Like this borders.
Looking forward to have one that can do this....

Montag, 12. März 2012

Vår ❀

 Suddenly youngsters everywhere!
It's definitely Vår (Spring)

Gubben was in hospital today for a blood check.
He will never ever get healthy again,
but it is good that he is quite stable
right now.
His blood was ok today and this is just great!
The wind is still very cool.
Therefore I made another NORO-
Here it is!

Sonntag, 11. März 2012

Stayed at home!

 We had to resign to drive to
Ry in Denmark.
Although it is only a 2 hour drive,
Gubben felt too frail to go -
the last Chemo almost killed him -
it was his 6th term in the third round.
The last term was worse.
It is 2.5 weeks ago and he is still sick....
So no Fiber Fest this year.
Instead I found a small plate with
the Danish flag Dannebrog
on the fleamarket.
It was not really cold today, but the wind was
more then fresh.
The fireplace was hot all day.
Had still some parts of a chopped Thuja,
an unusual sort of wood actually to use in the fire,
but it burns long and hot! 

Mittwoch, 7. März 2012

Ordlös Onsdag!

Dienstag, 6. März 2012

Hearts ⊰♥⊱

 I am late I know,
but still I would like to participate at
This week it's heartshape!
Like this!
Sometimes even collect hearty items!
So here are some crocheted hearts
and some Saphires
cut into hearts.

We had great sunny weather Saturday and today.
Saturday Gubben and the dog and I
made a walk round
the Lake in Bordesholm.
It is beautiful!
Way around is about 6 or 7 km.
After we had done half of it in a good pace,
Gubben got sick.
I felt so sorry with not being able to help much.
Suppose it was too much for him, but he wanted to do this walk.
It was his idea.
His last Chemo is not even too weeks ago and ever since he has been
not well....

Freitag, 2. März 2012

Fiber Fest i Ry og Himmelsk #74

 Some things I have done!
 Vi skal til
Mølleskolen, Skanderborgvej, i 8680 Ry
den 10.3.12
Se forut!

Himmelsk #74
We had a complete week with
only gray and foggy weather;
The snow is gone
Best to show some pix from nearby
my new home, made whilst
walking the dog.
We have many Bronce Age Barrows
around, about 4000 years old.
Really intresting, but not real
beautiful sky though!
God Helg!